June 2024

Free webinar on odour emissions and simulation (in German)

Odour nuisance can lead to complaints from the public and damage the image of the company concerned. These developments require new approaches to complaint management and odour dispersion simulation.

Our Ortelium partner Michael Hack Solutions is organising a free live webinar on this topic, which will be held in German on Thursday, 4 July 2024 from 16:00 to 16:30 PM CET.

Accompanied by our Ortelium Head of Product Development, Christoph Mannebeck, the experts from Michael Hack Solutions will explain the measures you can take to reduce odour nuisance and how to improve communication with the public.

You can register via the following website: Webinar Odour Emission and Simulation

We look forward to seeing you there! If you are not proficient in German and would be interested in an English version of the webinar, we look forward to hearing from you via contact@ortelium.com.

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